is the qualified partner for Institutional Investors and listed and not listed International Corporations
that looks for selling or purchasing opportunities scrictly appraised more than EUR 100,000,000 mainly in Europe, Asia, Pacific, North America and Latin America.
We act in
International bids handling for corporate transfers (Audit, memorandum information, market study, scanning/selection and contact with potential purchasers, short list, data room, negociations, sale price optimization, ...)
For sale corporates search complying with specific required criteria such as industry & geographical sectors, turnovers, EBITDA, profits, rentability, debt, growth, prospects, know-how, valorisation, ...
In the framework of
Leveraged transfer/acquisition operations (MBO, MBI, BIMBO, ...) in development & transmission projects
build up & spin off operations
Replacement capital blocks
Fundings, risks-capital
Minority/Majority interests